Alcoholism and addiction are chronic diseases, just as cancer and other diseases are. Many people do not see it this way when a person falls into relapse, after being in recovery. Guest, Scott Stevens, points out that it is life stressors that trigger high levels of cortisol and often trigger an addict into relapsing. Learning how to not self medicate during stressful times can keep and addict in recovery. All is not doom and gloom, as sweet sobriety can also give you a brand new life. Author, BJ Gallagher, teaches others how to reinvent themselves. Her book, “It’s Never too Late to Be What You Might Have Been” is a little book with a big message. It reminds us that as multi-dimensional empowered beings, we can dream at any age and make good on those dreams, starting right now!
Over the past decade, we have seen dramatic improvements in technology that have led to medical breakthroughs and new drugs that have drastically improved the lives of millions of people. The problem with the new drugs is doctors do not have enough time to discuss in detail the risks & rewards of each medication being prescribed. This is where Control My Care comes in, as Jim Jones, President of Wellspring Benefits Group talks about. You can now have your own care team, managing your medications, discussing how they are working for you and delivered directly to your home. Control My Care will impact your health and reduce medication risk factors. It also saves in additional out of pocket healthcare expenses. We must all learn to navigate our own healthcare and Control My Care will help you do that and more!
Many people think that long term care insurance is only for the elderly, and that it’s very costly. Both of these are a myth. Policies being purchased today are a part of estate planning and very affordable. A chronic illness or injury, at any age, could put heavy financial burdens on a family. People think that they are covered by their employers. Chances are, they are not and are referring to short and/or long term disability. If you are healthy and in your 40’s, 50’s or 60’s, now is the time for long term care insurance. Guest, Matt McCann has been helping families in 38 states, since 1998. His only focus is on long term care insurance. As Matt says, once the house is on fire, it’s too late for insurance. Don’t wait, call Matt McCann!
Family Friction & the Holidays
Click Here for Podcast: AIR-2015-04-05.mp3
Family has been known to be one of the biggest sources of stress during holidays. The reasons are many, as expert guest, Dr. John McGrail talks about. John suggests using a powerful tool called, “The Art of Allowing”. By letting people be, you have minimal expectations and much more freedom. Also keep in mind, if they bother you, you most likely, bother them. Guest, Amy Morin, a LCSW suggests choosing to have a great day and staying focused on being that way all day. No matter how your Easter happens, keep it all in perspective. Every holiday has a beginning, middle and end and goes fast. The best thing you can do is leave in peace with a little extra chocolate and joyful memories, knowing you are, who family wanted to be with!
It is a fact that 53% of health problems are sourced by stress. It erodes our health and impacts everything in our physical and mental being. Stress management is the key. Automatic behaviors cause additional stress and can create havoc in our lives. Guest, Kate Silver sees stress as a growing problem and feels mindfulness can help to manage it. Holistic Health Coach, Claudia Braun suggests learning to say no and asking for help. Both can help to diminish stress. Daily stress causes increased worry and irritability which goes in a vicious circle and serves no one. Learning to relax, rest and de-stress helps promote optimum health. If we practice de-stressing daily and learn to walk away and regroup when needed, we may diminish stress and best of all, bring joy back, abundantly!
March is National Kidney Month, the time to raise awareness and education. We have 31 million U.S. residents living with chronic kidney disease which gives us 31 million reasons for National Kidney Month. Kidney disease occurs when conditions damage the kidneys and keep them from filtering our blood properly. High blood pressure and diabetes can lead into kidney disease and should be monitored closely. It is common for CKD to not show signs, until stage five, which then calls for dialysis or a transplant. Our four guests discuss kidney health, the American Kidney Fund, being a kidney donor and care giving for a sister before and after a transplant. Awareness and education help to empower those living with CKD and the challenges that come with it. Learn more at or at Chicago Kidney Action Day, August 26, 2015.
It is a fact that more than 100 million Americans suffer with chronic pain. Many are or become addicted to prescription medications to ease the pain. Expert guest Dr. Daniel Twogood has been practicing for over 30 years in eliminating chronic pain. He says that it is what we stop doing instead of what we start doing. Eliminate specific foods and within 90 days your pain is gone! If this sounds too good to be true, it is not. Guest, Harris Glasser opted out of surgeries for his son 45 years ago as he tossed out all medications. The doctors and surgeons thought he was crazy. His son got better within five days and is well, to this day. We are what we eat and our bodies can naturally heal when treated right. The great news we are all realizing this and all with a common goal, vibrant health!
The fastest growing segment of the U.S. population, are the centenarians. We have 75,000 seniors turning 100 years old, every year. By 2050, it is predicted that we will have over 600,000 centenarians. Longevity shows that it is a fact, only 25% of aging is genetic. The remaining 75% is about attitude and lifestyle, as expert guest, Jamie Silver talks about. Jamie says a positive attitude and willingness to learn while discovering new, keeps us interested in life and promotes well being. Ageless living is about courageous living, or as Jamie says, change your words and change your life. A little tweak here and there and an attitude with gratitude, can make all the difference, as we live ageless and longer, than we ever thought was possible!
Consumers are offered thousands of choices for vitamins and supplements. Some are attached with words such as organic, natural or certified along with packaging of foods, claiming they are the health superstars with vitamins added. So many choices create confusion and uncertainty. Guest, Sally Polochok, an ER nurse, sees many misdiagnoses that she knows come from B12 deficiencies. B12 greatly impacts our health. It is so important to know if you are deficient in B12, especially as we age. Dr. Michael Smith’s book, the Supplement Pyramid, simplifies how to build your personalized nutritional program. Start with the basics, a multi-vitamin, Omega 3, Co-Q10 and a pro-biotic and add levels based on your specific needs. Best of all, by building your own personalized program, you can change it as your needs change and stay in charge of your health!
Standard Bank Reverse Mortgages
Click Here for Podcast: AIR-2015-02-22.mp3
As a consumer in today’s world, solid guarantees that you will receive what is promised are becoming fewer and farther between. Expert guest, Nick Parisi, Group Vice President of Standard Bank knows this, all too well, with his 30 years of industry experience. In 1947 Standard Bank opened their doors in Chicago and today, 37 locations serve Illinois and NW Indiana. What sets them apart is a focus on local and world class service. The bottom line is Standard Bank keeps all banking, personal and in the community. Reverse mortgages are very personal and calling an 800 # and not knowing who you are talking to is not. Your best bet is to call expert guest, Terri Brady, your Senior Reverse Mortgage Specialist. Terri will get all your questions answered and eye to eye. Now that is personal and it will give you peace of mind and your Reverse Mortgage!
Evidence shows that music plays a healthcare role in settings ranging from operating rooms to clinics. It also impacts our moods, stress, immunity, pain management and social bonding. Extensive neuroscience research is finding out that music & memory work, is nothing short of miraculous. Expert guest, Ginny Caldwell is a Board Certified Music Therapist who experiences this first hand, working with senior living residents. Julie Stevens, Director of Sales and Marketing at Central Baptist Village says that a day does not go by in her community without music. Results are showing beloved music can renew lives lost to dementia with a simple, elegant and effective approach and Central Baptist Village is leading the way. Never stop spreading music and listening to it yourself. It can give new life to someone you love as well as yourself.
Love, Love, Love & Relationships
Click Here for Podcast: AIR-2015-02-08.mp3
Relationships can start out like a deck of cards: with two hearts and a diamond, and end with a club and a spade. Hopefully, that is not the case and you can learn from the ups and downs. Humor is a great way to get acquainted, as guest Leonardo Busto talks about. Babe Magnet, Chad Stone talk about killing off relationships and what not to do and David Bennett adds the dos and don’ts of dating. Dating should never stop for it keeps passion alive. Then again, as guest, Debra Rogers wrote about, “He May Have Done You a Favor with her “She” sequel in the works. Debra says favors are a good thing, opening doors to what’s next. We may never fully understand the dynamics of love, but a lot like the Army, we don’t always like it when we are in it, but we keep reenlisting.
Science has shown that we only use five percent of our Higher Brain’s potential. This is not surprising, considering our sensory experience is first filtered through our lower primitive brain, physiologically blocking our limitless capacity for joy and well being. Guest, Zach Polfuss, National Director of Expansion for Higher Brain Living says that the Higher Brain, known as the prefrontal cortex, activates our body’s ability to rejuvenate, feel inner calm and find meaning. The activation creates a feedback mechanism that brings life-sustaining energy into the Higher Brain. The experience opens a gateway to joy, gratitude, purpose and more. Imagine if you could navigate out of chronic emotional blockages. Well you can, and Higher Brain Living is the revolutionary technique that allows you to do this, all through the power of your brain!
Losing a loved one can be so difficult. You may not ever get over the loss, but you will learn to live with it, as you heal and rebuild your life. Fran Nathanson, Lead Grief Counselor at Midwest Palliative & Hospice Care Center talks about the importance of self care and the tasks of grieving during the process. Dr. Steven Walker addresses mental health and the stigma around it. He feels that as a society, we need to learn to accept mental health issues and get the care needed. Guest, Nancy Tuzzolino, wrote The Promise, a beautiful poem to help her grieve her father’s passing. Give yourself and others permission to feel exactly the way they are, and they way they are not, while grieving. Most importantly, reach out for help, knowing you are never alone in the process.
Are we a generation emotionally and spiritually drained, going through the motions, lacking of luster and life? This is what guest Temple Hayes writes about in “When Did You Die?” Her book helps identify our woundology from past hurts, which does not allow us to be our true selves, and so much more. Guest Marc Mero sees much of this with the kids he inspires, on his Dream Big Tour. Marc challenges youths to go after their dreams as they make positive choices while laying the foundation to strengthen their families and society. As Marc says, you have three choices; you can give up, give in or give it all you got! Being the beginning of 2015, it is time to give it all you got, just as Marc Mero, also called “Hero Mero” does for our future generations!
When your aging loved one is in need of dementia care who can you turn to and trust? This is where Autumn Leaves Assisted Living Communities come in. From the design of their buildings to the design of their management team, everything is done with purpose as guests, Jason O’Higgins and Mary Behringer point out. For over 15 years, Autumn Leaves have been providing care to those with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. Their specifically trained caregivers and staff understand the unique needs of each individual that they care for. Autumn Leaves is leading the nation in assisted living memory care. They have 10 communities in the Chicago suburbs along with locations in Texas, Oklahoma and Georgia. When you are leading the nation you are doing it, at its best and Autumn Leaves is!
January is a great month to reflect on what you want to create for the year. Most of us recognize, at some level, that we have the ability to create our lives and all our desires. Guest, Elizabeth Murray talks about our North Star, being our hearts compas. By following it, we can find our path to love, fulfillment and bliss. Guest, Jackie Lapin teaches how to use the power of directed thoughts to pave the way for greater happiness and contentment. Practicing techniques can have you becoming a better, faster manifestor as you live life, more deeply and with greater zest. Learning to trust the process as we allow life to happen, as it is supposed to, is the key. Simply said, stay open, allowing for greater good in your life and in the lives of those around you!
It was Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz who said, “A Girl with a Good Pair of Shoes Can Go Any Where”. That may be true, and it helps, if you have healthy legs and happy veins. This is where Midwest Vein Center comes in with their sole focus being on vein care. Their well trained physicians are board certified in Phlebology and have over 25 years of vein care expertise. Add in a compassionate clinical team, offering years of patient care experience and you have what sets Midwest Vein Center apart. They have treated thousands of patients with state-of-the-art minimally invasive out-patient procedures. For woman and men, be proactive and eliminate your varicose veins before they get worse. Contact Midwest Vein Center to schedule your consultation and make 2015, your year, for you!
Aging Info Radio is honored to have two Clarks joining our Christmas show this year. At age 83, Clark Weber, the extraordinary Chicago radio icon with his wit and humor continues staying active and sharing his stories with Chicagoans. Our second Clark is Bennett Clark, Clark Weber’s grandson. Bennett is a radio star in the making as a young aspiring radio personality on WLUW 88.7 FM. With a deep rich radio voice and natural talent ease, it is apparent: apples definitely do not fall far from trees. Both extraordinary Clarks have a whole lot of talent in common behind the microphone. In spirit of the holidays, it would not be Christmas unless Clark Weber told the Christmas Cup of Tea story. This story speaks very loudly from the heart, so grab your hanky and enjoy the story because no one tells it quite like Clark Weber!
Bennett Clark Wakenight is a young aspiring radio personality on WLUW 88.7fm inspired by old school style while integrating new school trends.
“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better Closeness Has Nothing to Do With Distance
A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a downcast spirit dries up the bones. Deep down belly laughs are naturally healthy and it is good to find the funny in the craziness of every, holiday season. Comedian, actor and author, Tommy Connolly knows how to find the funny as he makes fun of himself in his comic routines. Today he is five years into his recovery from addiction and his book, Soul Parole, tells it like it is. It takes an intimate look at the misunderstood world of addiction, depression and fear, to recovery, faith and catching dreams. Soul Parole is a journey from darkness to the light. “Based On a True Story” it is a testimony that anything is possible with hope, faith and the hand of a friend.
We hear it everywhere, aging this and anti-aging that. Maybe even to the point where it does not get the attention that it once did. Guest, Ron Pevny discusses aging from the perspective that senior citizens and baby boomers are not satisfied with their retirement years being defined by social and cultural beliefs. It is not their doom and gloom, elder time to grow old. They are taking on their lives with diversity, growth, passion, purpose, service, contribution, spiritual exploration and so much more at every age. Guest Dr. John Young goes beyond treatment to teach his patients how to maintain optimal health for as long as possible by building a cellular foundation. With a fresh perspective, no regrets and optimal health you can achieve anything at any age and grow old gracefully by choice!
Most people gain between 5 to 8 pounds from Thanksgiving to New Years, every year. With holiday parties and festivities full of delicious high calorie and high fat foods, not gaining weight can be challenging. Guest Lisa Krueger-Gavin, an Ambassador with Weight Watchers has seen what works and what does not work, regarding holiday weight gain. The science based Weight Watchers program is a simple program that simply works. Fitness expert, Carol Whitaker talks about will power and how to set yourself up for a holiday party so that you do not over indulge. Kathy Streak takes it a bit further with DinerWear as a way to maintain our dignity. With a little discipline and smarter choices, you can maintain your weight during the holidays and kick off 2015 feeling great!
Thanksgiving is the one day of the year that has us reflect on what we are thankful for. Guest, Dr. John McGrail talks about gratitude and appreciation and how they are very different. Guest, Hillis Pugh writes about sharing life’s gratitude in Thank You Thursday, which he happened to start on Thanksgiving, and is now working on Feeling Good Friday. Richard Eyre and his wife Linda authored The Thankful Heart. Their book was 40 years in the making and it teaches others how to develop the healthy habit of gratitude, at any age. Gratitude allows us to express our feelings and is closely linked to happiness. You can find gratitude in any life situation and once you find it, you could, end up having more of it with a little practice!
Most of us are living in our left brain, dominated by logic and ego. With this way of being, we lose the importance of heart. Guest, Regina Cates and author of “Lead with Your Heart” teaches others how to create meaningful lives of love, compassion, and purpose. Regina is waking others up to limitless possibility as she is touches the hearts of her world-wide audience. Guest, Allen Klein, the only, Certified, “Jollytologist” also has a worldwide audience from his 600,000 books sold. Allen explores the madness, meaning and mirth of life with a sense of humor and a fresh perspective. As Allen says, alter your attitude and be in the moment with what matters most to you. Regina and Allen are a breath of fresh air while they keep it simple through the ups and downs of life!
We have approximately 22 million veterans in the United States with 1.7 million being female and 10 million over 65 years of age. Serving in the military may be challenging as, returning to civilian life can be. Programs and services are available that can help veterans, although, they are not always known about. Guests, Steve Thoren, George Rawlinson, Mick Grady and Jim Hunter bring light to some of the programs, such as, a Tribute to the Troops, Soldiers Angels and V- Spann. V-Spann, the Veterans Special Programs American National Network is on a big mission. Their project is a TV & Radio media platform for veterans and their families of all eras. They want to make sure veterans achieve a continuum of care with the programs available and finally, isn’t it about time!
“Sue Says” Sponsored by Healthy Paws Pet Insurance Don’t Stay Where You Are Tolerated, Go Where You Are Celebrated
It is heard everywhere, retirement this and retirement that, leaving consumers confused. Not only is confusion part of the equation, trust is another factor. People are much more skeptical today along with their decisions becoming more impactful, as the years go by. The best thing to do is never lose any of your retirement money. This is possible with the Safe Money Man, John O’Connor. John has delivered his promise to never lose any money to over 1,000 satisfied clients in the Chicagoland area. Doing your retirement homework is easy with John. He does it all for you. John also teaches his high school daughter, Kristen about money when she helps him at his workshops. Money 101 is so important to learn and apply, especially when young, as Kristen is and for most everyone else, it’s never too late!
The responsibility of caring for an aging loved one can be stressful and overwhelming. Add sibling warfare to an already challenging situation and family dynamics can downward spiral. Personal emotions and issues can become the primary focus, instead of the needed care. Hiring a professional caregiver is always your best bet. It will allow for family members to visit, being the son, daughter, sibling or relative, instead of the caregiver. First Light Home Care owners, Brian, Sande and Chris discuss many different options to consider when care is needed. An aging loved one may be afraid of hiring a caregiver and chances are, they are not alone. Family members may feel some of the same fears. Selecting the right home care company is a lot about knowing what to ask and you must, feel confident with your choice. If you are ever uncertain, in doubt or have questions, call First Light Home Care. They provide extraordinary people and exceptional care, giving you exactly what you need!
The National Safety Council reports that 8.9 million emergency room visits per year are from falls. Falls can be serious and life threatening, especially for the sick or elderly. A fall can cause them to spiral downward quickly with additional health problems. Being proactive and aware of falling can help, although it is much more than that. Balance is complicated to work with and may be more of a process of elimination, as expert guest Michael Bearce discusses. With hospitals seeing revenue declines in Medicare, it is in everyone’s best interest that falls be reduced. Bob Kunio may have the answer with his Simply Rehab program. Muscle mass declines rapidly with aging and Simply Rehab has a way to build and keep muscle. This may be the key tonever taking a tumble, while also building strong bones.
Statin drugs have been hailed as the miracle drug of the century by authorities around the world. The market for statin drugs is billions of dollars for drug manufacturers. Many doctors prescribe statin drugs to all of their patients over 50 years of age. Fortunately, not all doctors are the same. Dr. Anand Patel suggests, 150 minutes of cardiovascular exercise weekly and dietary changes first, to help naturally lower cholesterol before considering a statin drug. Dr. Daniel Heller talks about natural alternatives and how they impact our overall cardiovascular health, which is the bigger picture of high cholesterol. It all comes down to choice and many people do not want to make lifestyle changes. They prefer statin drugs, or feel they are best for them. Our health is our greatest wealth, and the choice you make, hopefully, is your best bet, for you!
We are reminded every October of the importance of mammograms. Breast cancer affects one out of every eight woman as it did, guest, Liz Starman. Liz did a routine breast check and found a lump. She immediately had a mammogram, which lead into an ultra sound, followed by a biopsy. As painful as it is was to hear, Liz did have breast cancer. Treatment and surgery began immediately and with rigor. Guest, Sandy Hoffman is a Breast Nurse Navigator at Northwest Community Hospital. Sandy helped Liz understand what she could expect with the fight she was in, as well as, being a rock for her to lean on. Liz is a cancer survivor today. Although, Liz may have more routine testing to keep her a cancer survivor, routine mammograms make the difference and they may also save a life!
Most non-for- profit companies help people out and Flying for Hope, is doing just that! Susan Worline, President and Founder, provides flights or transportation when someone needs to visit an aging, ill or dying loved one. Many times, people run out of money after repeat trips and have no funds left when they need to be there. This is where Flying for Hope comes in, while making a difference for others. It is just as important to comfort those in need, after a crisis. Tim Hetzner has 90 blondes, as he calls his Golden Retriever K-9 Comfort Dogs. Their job is to give emotional support when it is needed most as they innately know who is in pain. By leaning into someone in need, they connect to help heal, while offering comfort and compassion with their gentle, Golden Retriever kind of love!
Fear Not ~ Embracing Life’s Journey
Click Here for Podcast: AIR-2014-09-21.mp3
When fear is a potential for pain, it can trigger a variety of attitudes and behaviors. We may freeze, flee, defend ourselves or get stuck. Fear signals move swiftly to avoid danger and they intensify when danger is unavoidable. Internal fears can be triggered by self doubt, where external fears are caused by something outside, that we want to avoid. When something bad happens, as it did to guests, Dale Spencer and Jana Flaig, fear can land right in our lap. It did not matter if the fear was external or internal; it had to be met, head on. With self determination, support and encouragement from others, both continue knocking fear down daily. Dale and Jana are two extraordinary human beings who went from devastation to being dynamic and, all by choice!
It is estimated that over 35 million people are diagnosed with dementia, worldwide. Statistics show this number doubling by 2030 and tripling by 2050. Alzheimer’s is the progressive form of dementia, affecting over 5 million people in the US. Guest and “Alzheimer’s Speaks”, radio host, Lori La Bey, advocates for shifting our dementia care from crisis to comfort. World wide Lori connects people to best practices and facilitates conversations regarding dementia care needs. Guest, Mara Batonis, author of “When Caring Take Courage” knows from her personal experience, how devastating Alzheimer’s disease can be. Her book helps Alzheimer’s and dementia caregivers as a quick reference guide to use when challenges come up. Learning all that we can about the diseases will help, but compassion and love for the patient, above all else, will always lead the way.
Alcoholism and addiction are chronic diseases, just as cancer and other diseases are. Many people do not see it this way when a person falls into relapse, after being in recovery. Guest, Scott Stevens, points out that it is life stressors that trigger high levels of cortisol and often trigger an addict into relapsing. Learning how to not self medicate during stressful times can keep and addict in recovery. All is not doom and gloom, as sweet sobriety can also give you a brand new life. Author, BJ Gallagher, teaches others how to reinvent themselves. Her book, “It’s Never too Late to Be What You Might Have Been” is a little book with a big message. It reminds us that as multi-dimensional empowered beings, we can dream at any age and make good on those dreams, starting right now!
Our kids are learning today and will be leading tomorrow. Many positive and negative comments are made, about relating to our kids today. Relating to anyone, at any age, works better, if you can discuss your different points of view and kids are no different. Our kids today are much more advanced than past generations, being smart, tech savvy and more mature at a younger age. Four courageous guests, 9 year old Julia, 10 year old Peyton and Joe and Sam who are 13, are extraordinary kids with many interests. They talk about their interests, school, family, technology and more. They suggested the best way for adults to communicate with them is through having fun, dinners and vacations together, but most importantly as Julia said, put your devices away. Julia called it for what it is and all adults should take note!
As we get older, our emotional baggage weighs us down, which can lead us to try and suppress stuffed feelings by self-medicating, drinking or with happy endorphins, but they are temporary fixes. Chi Kung Master, Gary Clyman offers a onetime Emotional Liposuction treatment to rid the big emotions: abandonment, anger, rage and bitterness. Sounds a little hocus pocus, well, it is not. Master Clyman has treated over 10,000 patients from all over the world and knows that his Emotional Liposuction is the Cutting Edge in healing. He stimulates specifics and sucks out the issues that interfere with our happiness, relationships and even productivity. Violent change is a good thing because gradual change is so sleepy. One painful visit, for as little as 5 minutes or up to 45 and your negative emotions are gone for good. After treatment, Clyman’s clients notice a difference immediately and many are relieved from aches and pains they have had for years. I guess you could say, no pain no gain and Emotional Liposuction is more than worth, the gain!
Tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, winter storms, heat waves, fires, hazardous material and nuclear disasters can happen anywhere, on any day and at anytime. Guests, Joe Alton, M.D. and Amy Alton, A.R.N.P., are the premiere Medical Preparedness professionals and authors of, the Survival Medicine Handbook. This book has sold over 50,000 copies and is a guide for those who want to be medically prepared for any disaster when help is NOT on the way. Connie Polke, Founder and Executive Director of CHUG, Collaborative Healthcare Urgency Group, teaches organizations how to plan for, respond to and recover from disasters and emergencies. Connie says the first plan everyone should have in place is to make sure their family is emergency prepared. Once you have your family plan in place, you can reach out to help others with what is needed and what is next, before or after a disaster.
Wills, Trusts & Power of Attorney Blog
Click Here for Show Podcast: AIR-2014-08-10.mp3
More than half of Americans do not have a will, trust or power of attorney documents. This is where elder law attorney, Nancie Dorjath comes in providing these documents and more. Nancie says that having Power of Attorney Health Care is important, but so are HIPPA documents. The cost and time involved if you do not have these documents and they are needed, far outweighs getting them. Living Trusts serve when alive and after death, where as a will is only, upon death. Although many people do not know where to start, Dorjath Law Center could be the best place. Nancie and David develop lasting relationships with families that are much more, than just about documents. As a rarity in today’s business world, a company will stand out that goes above and beyond and Dorjath Law Center does just that!
So many magazines are now, only available on line. Skip Weiss, publisher of Chicago Health magazine knows well that people still enjoy reading an actual magazine. As a semi-annual publication Chicago Health provides progressive health articles. These articles are highly accessible to the everyday reader, in print or online. Chicago Health 2014 July edition, featured articles are about Cancer diagnosis and research. Expert guest, Dr. Michael Nishimura talks about cancer research and why we are in very interesting times. Soon, the FDA may approve a new drug for skin cancer. This drug could very well open doors for additional cancer drugs and therapies. Could chemotherapy and radiation, one day, be a thing of the past? We can only hope, and if it is, Chicago Health magazine will most likely, be writing about it long before it happens.
Chances are caregiving will directly or indirectly cross your path at some point in your lifetime. The demands on 65 million US caregivers can be overwhelming, especially if they feel they are in over their head or elderly themselves. President and Founder of Partners in Senior Care, Patricia Menoni knows very well why it is best to hire a professional caregiver. One very important factor is it allows a son or daughter to visit with an aging loved one and enjoy time together. Timing and warning signs are also important, as Angie Landmesser, Director of Business Development discusses. Angie says that we need to become a home care detective, asking the right questions before bringing any caregiver into a home. The good news is, we are starting to realize that hiring a professional caregiver is our best bet and Partners in Senior Care is a great place to start.
The human brain has 100 billion neurons, with 1.5 pints of blood traveling through it, covering 100,000 miles of transport systems with one quadrillion connections. These are only a few reasons why, you want a healthy brain. Steven Fogel, author of Your Mind is What Your Brain Does For a Living, says that we have the ability to rewire our brains into a default programming by our choices. Scientist, Jeffrey Gignac works with brain wave stimulation and entrainment which affects focus, clarity, creativity, aging and more. Memory is another factor in overall brain health, as expert guest, Beverly Sanborn discusses. Beverly says, the most impactful thing you can do for your brain is physical exercise. It helps with blood and oxygen flow and new cells. Being calm is another important factor, because a calm brain, is a healthy brain.
Our inner voice tells us we need to have a conversation, then our fear steps in and we put the conversation off. Consequences of no action, impacts everyone involved, especially an aging loved one. Expert guest, Carol Cummings, Senior Director of Optimum Life Engagement say’s that having a conversation about an aging loved one’s future, could be a gift. Timing is another important factor and it may take numerous conversations before the time is right. Sara Terry, Vice President of Customer Experience discusses senior living misconceptions and the transformation, compared to thirty years ago. So much is offered to residents at Brookdale Senior Living communities as Jennifer Piscitello, Regional Sales Manager talks about. Growing older doesn’t mean the options of living have to shrink and this is an absolute truth, especially at Brookdale Senior Living communities!
The Fountain of Youth was a mystic spring that would supposedly grant eternal life and vigor to whoever drank from it. Legends and myths about this tale have existed since ancient times. Today, we have the opportunity to create our own fountains with the advances in education and technology. Guest, Dr. Jeffrey LaGrasso is a world renowned plastic surgeon who has the desire to make things more beautiful. Dr. LaGrasso adds alternative medicine and nutrition to the mix of looking your best physically. Gerontologist, Lori Campbell has a unique vision about growing older and vitality. Lori sees Telomere testing as the key. It allows us to measure our biological age and longevity and then learn how to expand our telomeres. With so many medical advances on the rise, we have only just begun looking our best at every age, and what could be better than that!
Seattle Sutton’s 2014 Slim Down Contest
Click Here for Show Podcast: AIR-2014-06-29.mp3
We have learned that, most of the time, losing weight comes down to calorie intake and how you burn them. Seattle Sutton, President and Founder of Seattle Sutton’s Healthy Eating takes the guesswork out of eating healthy and losing weight by providing fresh meals that are either 1,200, 1,500 or 2,000 calories. Rene Fisek, leading nutrition expert at SSHE says there are misconceptions about weight loss, and small details daily can make a big difference. Sue Kiefer, winner of the SSHE 2014 contest, lost 58 lbs in 4 months. Sue’s competitive nature helped, along with eating SSHE 1,200 calorie daily program, and exercising. Anyone can lose weight as long as they are willing to do what it takes and Seattle Sutton’s Healthy Eating is a great place to start!
The fastest growing segment of our population are the centenarians who are living to be 100 years old along with super centenarians who are surpassing them at 110+. Different factors come into play with longevity such as genetics, life style, diet, exercise, staying social and many little things that can make a big difference. Emeritus Community Relations Director’s and expert guests, Mary Beth Beatty and Janet Cannon see many reasons why seniors are thriving. At Emeritus communities, it is the socialization, activities, a nutritional diet, friendships, sense of play and so much more that their residents experience. Isolation is a high risk for the many seniors who end up alone. They are much better off in a retirement community in their elder years. Participation has always been a function of health and Emeritus Communities offer that and so much more!
Emeritus at Burr Ridge – 630-920-2900
Emeritus at Prospect Heights – 847-797-2700
“Sue Says” Sponsored by Healthy Paws Pet Insurance You Can Do Anything, But You Don’t Need to Do Everything
It was brainchild Sonora Smart who started circulating petitions pushing for an annual Father’s Day in 1909. It took until 1972 when Richard Nixon finally signed Father’s Day into the books, as a national holiday. As Chicago Radio Icon and guest, Clark Weber says, never give it to a politician to get it done quickly. Clark is the father of four girls, which include a set of twins and all being born within 27 months. Clark said, it was no work at all, although he did have his hands full at one point, when they started dating. Guest, Tony Mazza, is the opposite having two young boys. Tony explores the world with his sons, teaching them life values while creating memories from the ordinary. He says these are the things his children will remember most and feels that being a dad, is the best gift, life can offer a man!
Sweet summer time may not be so sweet with the bugs, and especially ticks. Within 20 minutes of being bitten by a tick your nervous system can be affected. Lyme disease is difficult to diagnose and treat with the vast number of side effects and today’s type of testing. Dr. David Jernigan, the Founder of the Hansa Center for Optimum Health, works with patients who have chronic or acute diseases and many times, that is Lyme disease. Guest, Jenny Menzel, self-diagnosed Lyme disease after 12 years of living with symptoms. Jenny is now committed to completing her documentary on Lyme disease, teaching others what to expect. The good news is Lyme disease diagnosis and treatment are progressing and as with everything, progress is good!
Chicago Title Downsizing Options
Click Here for Show Podcast: AIR-2014-06-01.mp3
If you own property, are concerned about asset protection or your privacy, this show is for you! For over 100 years, Chicago Title Land Trust Company has been providing land trusts to their clients. Daniel Lanciotti and David Halperin, V.P. Executives at Chicago Title Land Trust Company see many scenarios where having a land trust, could have made a big difference. A land trust will give you asset protection from creditors, take care of probate issues and keep peace in the family when a death occurs. Whenever big changes occur in life, it is smart to review your legal documents and estate plan. As fraud and scams continue to grow with so much information available on the internet, your information should be kept private. A land trust will do just that and so much more!
Excuse Me Doc, I’ve Got What?
Click Here for Show Podcast: AIR-2014-05-25.mp3
When you are diagnosed with a chronic disease or illness it can be one of your worst days, if not the worst day of your life. When the shock wears off and reality sets in, it is time to take action and become involved in your own care decisions. Expert guest, Dr. Melissa Clarke writes about this, in her book, “Excuse Me Doctor, I’ve Got What”. Her book will empower you to take ownership of your health and have healthcare reform work for you. If you are still feeling at odds, Care Consultant, Rebecca Denman will assist you with your care at the level that you need. Either way you choose, be a proactive patient, fully-engaged in your healthcare. If you do, chances are, you will have a much better outcome.
Healthy Aging with Joan Lunden
Click Here for Show Podcast: AIR-2014-05-18.mp3
Joan Lunden is an extraordinary woman who helped millions of Americans, greet each day, as host of ABC’s Good Morning America, for nearly two decades. She is an award winning journalists, best-selling author, health and wellness entrepreneur, the face of America’s largest senior referral service, “A Place for Mom”, the Founder of Camp Reveille and the mother of seven children. Joan is the perfect example, that anything is possible. In fact, if we looked up sandwich generation in the dictionary, we would most likely find her picture. She needed to find care for her mother and this is when “A Place for Mom” crossed her path and helped her in many ways. When Joan is asked about her extraordinary life, she says, it is because she has said yes, to so many things and a yes, will most always, open doors!
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder at every age. Ms. Arizona Senior 2004, Herme Sherry and Ms. Arizona 2013, Lee Lotze bring beauty and vitality to a whole new level, of aging gracefully. These two beauty queens are making their 2nd half their best half! With vibrant beauty, elegance and grace they stay active and involved while making a difference in their communities. Herme is the Executive Director of the Cameo Foundation. This foundation provides resources and training for victims of domestic violence to allow them to gain self- confidence and maximize their potential. Ms. Arizona 2103, Lee Lotze is a Grandette Dancer at age 73. Lee feels she is stuck at age 49, which is always a good place to be. Both queens say, it is best to live your life with an ageless attitude and with that, you can accomplish anything that you set out too!
The truth about sugar is much more than bitter. Sugar is an addictive, low grade toxic poison, just like any other addictive substance. The average person eats a minimum of 1/2 cup of sugar per day, which is overkill and on the low end. Expert guest, Bonnie Minsky, says that sugar addiction is bio-chemical and has very little to do with will power. We eat sugar and crave more, as the vicious cycle continues on. Combining foods properly can lower our glycemic index and help level sugar intake, which can greatly impact our health, as Holistic Health Coach, Brenda Hilander teaches. The less sugar you eat, the less inflammation you have and the stronger your immune system will be. The sweet bottom line is, you will live a healthier life without an abundance of, or any sugar!