August 3, 2014

Chicago Health Magazine
Click Here for Show Podcast: AIR-2014-08-03.mp3

So many magazines are now, only available on line. Skip Weiss, publisher of Chicago Health magazine knows well that people still enjoy reading an actual magazine. As a semi-annual publication Chicago Health provides progressive health articles. These articles are highly accessible to the everyday reader, in print or online. Chicago Health 2014 July edition, featured articles are about Cancer diagnosis and research. Expert guest, Dr. Michael Nishimura talks about cancer research and why we are in very interesting times. Soon, the FDA may approve a new drug for skin cancer. This drug could very well open doors for additional cancer drugs and therapies. Could chemotherapy and radiation, one day, be a thing of the past?  We can only hope, and if it is, Chicago Health magazine will most likely, be writing about it long before it happens.

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