Resolutioneers & Innovators
Show Podcast Click Here: AIR-2012-12-29.mp3
Are you a resolutioneer or a safe non-setter when it comes to making New Year Resolutions? Chances are that at some time or another you have made them and by the end of the first week of January 25% of New Year resolutions are broken. The good news is the other 75% that were made increases the likelihood of success just by resolving to do something as Mark Papadus, author of “New YOU Resolutions” points out. Your resolution may be to innovate in a way that moves your life forward. Dr. David Pensak discusses the “Silver Innovators” of today’s world and says that it is never too late to innovate. More and more retirees are going in to the third chapter of their life creating a new purpose and with passion because it is absolutely never too late!

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
It’s Always Too Early To Quit
The Gift Of Clark Weber (Replay)
Show Podcast Click Here: AIR-2012-12-22.mp3
At 82, radio icon Clark Weber stays active sharing his stories with Chicagoans – a career that has spanned over 50 years. After a successful radio audition at 17 Clark knew what he wanted to do for the rest of his life and that was radio. He evolved being a rock and roll DJ at WLS, WCFL & WIND in the Chicagoland area. After years of being a radio DJ, Clark moved to being to be a talk radio host which was a novelty when he started on WIND. Clark influenced some of the biggest names in the music and entertainment industry on and off the airwaves. With grace, humor and wit he engages others in his extraordinary storytelling that he does so well. In the spirit of the Holidays Clark encourages listeners saying that the greatest gift, is the gift of kindness – a kind word or gesture will always be appreciated.

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
The World Belongs to Those with the Most Energy
Healthy Chocolate, Wine & Gifts
Show Podcast Click Here: AIR-2012-12-15.mp3
Gift giving time it is being only days away from Christmas. As wonderful as the season is, it can be difficult to find your special someone the perfect gift. Our guests bring unique gift ideas such as a Chicago Chocolate Tour gift card or a fine bottle of Terlato wine with Anthony Terlato’s book- TASTE~A Life in Wine with complimentary web classes offered at his site. If saving time is what you need, simplify your life by sending a card and choosing from 100’s of gifts with only a few clicks at Send Out Cards. If you are looking for a unique book, The Reindeer Keeper is the perfect read for the season, bringing back believing. Don’t lose sight that gifts are secondary and it is the holidays that bring together family and friends which is truly the magic of the season!

Mary Doherty, Send Out Cards 773-802-0545
“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Give More in Value Than You Receive in Cash
The Gift Of Clark Weber
Show Podcast Click Here: AIR-2012-12-08.mp3
At 82, radio icon Clark Weber stays active sharing his stories with Chicagoans – a career that has spanned over 50 years. After a successful radio audition at 17 Clark knew what he wanted to do for the rest of his life and that was radio. He evolved being a rock and roll DJ at WLS, WCFL & WIND in the Chicagoland area. After years of being a radio DJ, Clark moved to being to be a talk radio host which was a novelty when he started on WIND. Clark influenced some of the biggest names in the music and entertainment industry on and off the airwaves. With grace, humor and wit he engages others in his extraordinary storytelling that he does so well. In the spirit of the Holidays Clark encourages listeners saying that the greatest gift, is the gift of kindness – a kind word or gesture will always be appreciated.

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
The World Belongs to Those with the Most Energy
A Stress Free December
Show Podcast Click Here: AIR-2012-12-01.mp3
Our society is the most technologically advanced on the planet, leading the way in innovation and standard of living, and we are paying the price for this with unprecedented levels of chronic stress. Like a pebble dropped in a pond, chronic stress ripples through virtually every facet of society. Peter McCarthy, a national voice for health reform, naturopath and author of Adrenaline Nation says that stress for so many across our country is literally eating us alive. Stress has become an overwhelming negative factor with our dietary habits, thought patterns, food supply and environment. Step off the stress treadmill practicing solutions for conquering both personal and institutional aspects of stress. Taking small steps in December while learning how to minimize stress is setting a great precedent for your health and well being in 2013.

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Sometimes the Slow Lane Gets You There Just as Fast
Holiday Identity Theft
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-11-24.mp3
Last year, ten million Americans were victims of some type of identity theft, increasing from 8 million the prior year. Identity theft has lasting effects on victims as Robert Siciliano, CEO & Founder of ID Theft & Personal Security is well aware of. Robert says that you must take control of your personal security & fraud and live on high alert. The emotional and personal struggles that follow identity theft while trying to regain your sense of trust can take years. George Benton, Business Specialist with Legal Shield says a small detail can make a big difference when selecting a company for protection. Legal Shield, Inc. offers a restoration verses resolution benefit that is distinctively different of each other. Most importantly, protect yourself! Identity Theft is one of the fast growing crimes today and can create complete chaos in your life should you become a victim.
Legal Shield – gbenton73@LegalShield.com

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Beware of the Half Truth, You May Have Gotten Hold of the Wrong Half
Leeza’s Place
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-11-17.mp3
The evolution of Leeza’s Place started after Leeza Gibbons and her family, over the course of ten years watched her mother succumb to Alzheimer’s disease. After her mother’s death Leeza recognized that when she first needed help she had no place to turn for caregiving guidance and support. With this recognition Leeza started Leeza’s Place and now has two locations in California, two in Florida and one in Joliet Illinois. As Leeza said, caregiving can be a depressing, stressing and an isolating experience coupled with compassion fatigue. At times you want to pull the covers over your head because you are temporarily frozen and do not know what to do. Kathy Miller, Program Outreach Director at Leeza’s Place in Joliet says that Leeza’s Place is a gathering place and community resource center committed to providing free support services, resources and programs for family caregivers. If you are directly or indirectly a caregiver, know that you are never alone and Leeza’s Place is a great place to start.

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Never Let Your Sky Turn into a Ceiling
Our Veterans
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-11-10.mp3
As of today we have approximately 24 million veterans and all of them should be recognized for the personal sacrifices they have made for our great country, the U.S. A. Discussed on our show are a few of the many programs offered to our veterans such as Pillars of Honor, the Aid & Attendance Benefit, We Honor Veterans through Vitas Hospice, Honor Flight Chicago and Operation to Support our Troops. Many dedicated volunteers, donors and sponsors offer these patriotic programs and more to continue honoring our veterans and those that are serving. As the Greatest Generation continues to diminish it is so important that our elderly veterans are honored and they can be through Pillars of Honor and Honor Flight Chicago. It is those that served and who are serving that give us our freedom and they should always be respected and honored.

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
The Greatest Casualty Is Being Forgotten
Our 2012 Election
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-11-03.mp3
We are days away from our 2012 election and our country is more divided than ever before. Our presidential candidates have two distinctively different paths and either one can greatly impact in positive and negative ways. Americans are in search of government accountability after the election as Malcolm Out Loud points out and more in our political conversation. Tim Fairbank sees Mitt Romney as a man who fixes problems and uses a metaphor to tell it like it is in our country. As we all wait to see which candidate Americans will choose we are well aware the popular vote has no final say. It is up to the Electoral College which seems a bit off as Brink Thinking Malcolm Out Loud points out. With the truth being told, all Americans want our government to bring forth the greatness in our country and we are counting on a leader who will lead America that way.

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Don’t Make A Permanent Decision With Your Temporary Emotion
Medicare Reform & Medicaid Spending
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-10-27.mp3
Malcolm Out Loud, the “Brink Thinker” sees our Medicare program as the forefront issue in all elections. He says politicians use scare tactics of it being broke to get votes. Brink Thinking, Malcolm believes, is a reinvention of our current Medicare program that could provide greater access to care, and sustain itself with our growing demographics. Medicaid is no better off with food stamps and the SNAP program costing $80 billion per year and growing fast. The Watch Dog on Wall Street, Chris Markowski says that welfare is creating a culture of dependence and entitlement which continues to weaken our nation. Just one of the many weak points as Woodrow Wilcox knows firsthand. Medicare loses $1billion a year in false and erroneous Medicare claims. Maybe it’s time to reinvent both systems and Woodrow’s book, Solving Medicare Problems may a place to start.

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
The Toughest Choices Can Yield the Most Unexpected Results
Family Fallouts
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-10-20.mp3
Words have the power to heal and destroy in most all situations. Joyce Marter, Founder and Psychotherapist of Urban Balance talks about family fallouts. She says they can be prevented and repaired with work on both sides. Joyce suggests not letting time slip by without reconciling because the longer a fallout goes on the harder it becomes to get back in communication. Our protective ego defenses come in to play as Tracy Clifford, doctor of psychology teaches. Once we identify our defenses we realize they are the blocks from our happiness, confidence, high self esteem and more. We can only control ourselves, not the outcome or the behavior of others. It becomes a personal choice as to our reaction in any given situation and at some point we start to realize that we may be the cause of not having what we want.

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
In Life You Need a Wish Bone, Funny Bone & Back Bone
Resources For Boomers & Seniors
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-10-13.mp3
The Northeastern Illinois Agency on Aging is one of over 600 such agencies though out the U.S. offering a wide array of services, programs, information and assistance for older Americans. Donna Copeland, Mimi Stojsavljevic and Loretto Cowhig discuss a few of the many agency programs for immediate and long term needs. Senior Centers are another great resource for information, assistance and activities. Steve Samuelson, CEO of the Frisbie Senior Center in Des Plaines says that their Mission is to serve active people age 55 and older through social, intellectual & physically enriching programs and they are doing just that! The good news is that Senior Centers and Area Agencies are designed to offer a network of services for older persons so that they can fully optimize their quality of life and are always respected for their individual value.

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
When Your Past Calls Don’t Answer
Dental Health for People & Pooches
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-10-06.mp3
Kathy Vom Brack and Fran Tourdot, founders of Joy of a Healthy Mouth Geriatrics are educators and hygienist who know firsthand how poor dental hygiene greatly affects our health and in a number of ways. Procrastinating dental visits many times is due to fear. Well, Dr. Monica, to lessen the fear, brings her dental services into homes. Her services help to make sure our elderly, disabled and others are receiving proper dental care which is not only important for humans, it is just as important for our pets. Dr. Stephen Juriga who serves on the Medical Advisory Board at Shedd Aquarium and Brookfield Zoo says that dental hygiene for our pets can add up to two or more years to their life and best of all, no doggy breath from Fido!
Joy of a Healthy Mouth Geriatrics 708-704-7621

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
We All Smile the Same Language
Bio-Identical Hormones for Men & Woman
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-09-29.mp3
Hormones are the messengers in our bodies that support the pursuit of happiness, if they are balanced. Unfortunately, and realistically, as we age our hormone levels drop, for both men and woman. This can create havoc on our health in many areas. Dr. Mazzei & Dr. Warner discuss hormone health issues, Bio Identical Hormone Therapy and how by balancing our hormones as we age our body can then function properly and with optimum health. Integrated with proper nutrition and fitness we can continue to enhance our well being. BodyLogic MD physicians nationwide offer a comprehensive full body preventative approach with their innovative solutions. This will allow you to experience renewed energy, restore youthfulness and live a longer, full quality life – just as nature intended and at every age!

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Life Is Better When You Are Laughing
Supportive Living: A Best Kept Secret
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-09-22.mp3
Wayne Vistine and Tammy Rosas with Heritage Woods of Gurnee explain the supportive living program at their communities as being a “Best Kept Secret” in Illinois. BMA Management is the largest provider of assisted living offering 37 affordable communities throughout Illinois. Heritage Woods of Gurnee is their newest community opening in October 2012. Do not miss out on this community if you feel you should no longer be living alone or are caring for an aging loved that should not be. You can bring so much life to life as you get the support that you need while making new friendships. An assisted living community can enhance your health, social life, activities & more. Why not have it be at the brand new beautiful Heritage Woods of Gurnee. You will be glad that you did!

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Be Yourself – Everyone Else is Taken
Wellness & Alternatives
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-09-15.mp3
Wellness and prevention are on the forefront of health. Unlike past generations, Baby Boomers now question what is causing an illness as they are being proactive in their chosen plan of care. Ray Ashton discusses his Star Preventive Wellness Affects division for the 21st century. Ray shows that replacing side effects with Affects it will continue to advance progressive preventive and interventions systems. Kathy Gruver is the National TV Host of “The Alternative Medicine Cabinet” which heal our body, mind and spirit. Kathy tells us what we should subtract and add to our diets to make a difference in our health. Small simple changes can be so easily done. Kathy knows that the simple changes make the biggest difference that can enhance our health and extend our lives.

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Don’t Look Back…You Are Not Going That Way!
Long Term Care & Retirement Realities
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-09-08.mp3
Long Term Care insurance 25 years ago was called Nursing Home Insurance. As with most everything, progression is inevitable through time. Today’s Long Term Care policies serve policy holders to provide benefits with home care, skilled care, assisted living and more depending on the riders and the company who issues the policy. Murray & Brian Gordon, owners of MAGA Long Term Care have been serving the greater Chicagoland area for the past 38 years. Brian discusses the most important riders for anyone considering a policy and how to use your Health Savings Account for ltc insurance. John O’Connor is known as the Safe Money Guy and he makes sure that your retirement fund is secure and with growth. Best of all, you will not lose any of your hard earned retirement investing in a retirement fund with O’Connor & Associates. This is what John does best!

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Sing Like You Don’t Need the Money
Lasting Intimacy & Living Longer
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-09-01.mp3
As we age many things, such as our bodies, energy levels, life circumstances along with family dynamics and more change. We may wonder if intimacy with our significant other can last forever. Dr. Elsbeth Meuth & Freddy Zental Weaver from TantraNova Institute give their insights about lasting intimacy, love and fulfillment at every age. Freddy shares his view on the myth (or not) about “Grumpy Old Men” and Elsbeth discusses sexual energy, embracing it and more. Sunie Levin, author, educator and speaker knows that making new friends will keep you living longer no matter what your age or where you live, as she writes about in her book. Sunie’s enthusiasm for life is a great example of another senior citizen who may be aging, but definitely not growing old because Sunie is energetically contagious!

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Find Your Comfort Zone, Then Leave It
How to Stay Young for the First 100 Years
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-08-25.mp3
The most common cause of functional disability is spinal disorders. With over 60,000 chiropractors in the United States and Canada, Dr. Redinger & Dr. Bertke are two out of 330 chiropractors who are trained and practicing structural chiropractic. They offer a unique approach to patient care with their Structural Rebuilding Program. It is highly effective with long term permanent changes to improve your posture, health and quality of life. Having a healthy spine and nervous system will do more to facilitate good health than any other factor. Illinois Spinal Care of Elmhurst is offering a consultation with x-rays for a $25.00 donation to the Open Heart Magic charity, from our show. You do not have to live with chronic pain as Host, Sue Zawacki found out. Contact Illinois Spinal Care of Elmhurst, you will be glad that you did!
www.IllinoisSpinalCare.com 630-617-9790

“Sue Says” sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
The Greatest Gift You Can Give Others is the Best You
Geriatric Care Management Today
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-08-18.mp3
Chances are that directly or indirectly caregiving will cross your path if you are one of the 78 million baby boomers, based on demographics. Caregiving takes on a life of its own and family caregivers are stressed, overwhelmed and exhausted. Their life is no longer business as usual. Trisha Menoni with over 20 years of experience brings us up to date on Geriatric Care Management and the importance of it when hiring a homecare agency. Find out how to convince a parent to accept help, when is it necessary to hire a caregiver, questions to ask an agency and so much more from Angie Landmesser. We are finally starting to realize as a society that unless we practice self-care we are not able to care for others. In the long run, a professional caregiver is most likely your best bet!

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
You Can Always Turn Difficulties In To Opportunities
Eliminating Sabotage & Erasing Worry
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-08-11.mp3
Self-sabotage is the enemy within and worry is your mind focusing on bad events that happened in the past, may happen in the future or you are anxious about. Tim Shurr has spent over 20 years helping thousands eliminate self-sabotage and improve their health, money and relationships with his unique mental strategies. His strategies are simple once learned and practiced. Richard Flint discusses how all emotions travel in threes. If you have fear, you have their buddies worry and doubt and even possibly a distant relative called uncertainty. Richard addresses six fears that we are all born with and the four steps in the necessary order to overcome them. Luckily there is a way to restore positivity and free people from fear once and for all by spending only one minute a day with Richard’s, “The Morning Minute”.

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Laugh Often, It is Cheap Medicine
Healthy Legs For Life
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-08-04.mp3
Veins are the vessels that transport blood to our heart. In healthy leg veins, one-way valves allow blood to move in one direction, upstream to the heart. It is rare that we actually give our legs much thought until we are in pain or are stopped in some way. Unhealthy leg veins can be causing problems which may or may not be visible to the eye. Dr. Flora and Dr. Yan Katsnelson discuss the simplicity of USA Vein Clinics and their progressive minimally invasive treatments that have little or no down time. Trisha Menoni gives us the “Save as Made” motto on tips for healthy legs. You do not have to live with painful legs, varicose veins, restless leg syndrome or heavy legs. The progressive simple treatments work and can make the difference!

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
You Have Three Choices, Give Up, Give In or Give It All You Got!
Love Makes the World Go Round
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-07-28.mp3
Yes, love does make the world go round! We find it, we may lose it, and we get it back and may lose it again. Finding it may not be easy as we become more guarded with each search. Frank Polancic, the Soul Mate Guy takes the search out of soul mate searching and replaces it with the deliberate use of the Law of Attraction. With your intention and Frank’s guidance, love may be closer than you think. Carla Wills Brandon talks about her book, Beyond the Chase and what a healthy intimate relationship looks like along with fair fighting and more. Do not give up, it is never too late for love. Once you find your soul Mate you can work on having a healthy relationship for life. It is all within your reach and at every age.

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Your Imagination is a Preview of Your Life’s Coming Attraction
Homes for Seniors
Podcast download: AIR-2012-07-21.mp3
When the time comes that you no longer can or want to live alone Senior Home Sharing may be your answer. You may have had a time or the time of your life by sharing a living space with roommates. Now seniors can do the same thing while becoming social and active. Angela Bentsen, Executive Director of Senior Home Sharing talks about the unique concept of their homes and how seniors live together in a house with the SPAN Model. If this is not your cup of tea, Gail Niksic, Senior Care Consultant with Elderwerks can assist you in finding the perfect fit for you community. Do not isolate yourself by living alone as you age. There are a plethora of possibilities in all types of senior housing. The socialization and activities of not living alone can extend your life as you live more joyfully sharing it with others!

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Make the Rest of your Life the Best of your Life
Skin Cancer
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-07-14.mp3
Blame it on CoCo Channel who in the 1920’s came back from a holiday in the south of France with a great tan. It was then that being bronzed became fashionable. Suntan lotion became popular in 1940’s and in 1950’s the bikini was the most talked about fashion accessory. Four decades later we have 1.3 million Americans diagnosed with skin cancer every year and most of them are over 50 years old. Dr. Nanette Liegeois and Dr. Susan Liebovitz, discuss the different types of skin cancer, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and the risks. Find out about sunscreen labeling changes and the A, B, C, D & E’s of a mole and skin cancer protection. The Aussie’s may have it right with their slip, slap, slop campaign. Slip on a shirt, slap on a hat and slop on some sunscreen to protect yourself from skin cancer.

“Sue Says” sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
If Everyone is Thinking Alike Than Somebody Isn’t Thinking
Alzheimer’s Hitting Below the Belt
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-07-07.mp3
One in eight older American’s have Alzheimer’s disease and it is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. Over 15 million American’s provide care for a person with Alzheimer’s and dementia. The costs to provide Alzheimer’s housing is expensive and many families cannot afford this type of housing. Expert guests Diana Law and Kathy Motley discuss options available for families that can help with the expenses, the 10 absolutes for Alzheimer’s Caregiving, safety tips and more. If you are caring for an aging loved with Alzheimer’s disease, Law Elder Law can help. Their pledge to their clients is they will do everything possible to give you peace of mind. You will get your questions answered, learn what options are available and receive support in many areas.

“Sue Says” sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Appreciate What You Have Before it Becomes What You Had
When I’m 64
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-06-30.mp3
There are many defining moments in life such as leaving home, getting married, the birth of our children, purchasing your first home and turning 65! Medicare was passed into law in 1965 with benefits available as of July 1966. Age 65 is when you become eligible to receive Social Security benefits, as we know of them today. In the future we are realizing that Social Security and Medicare may be entirely different programs out of the need to be. Our show provides diverse information and resources that will keep you moving forward on your aging journey. The “New and Improved Age” is now 65. This is a time in life when there is so much more as we are healthier and more active than past generations. Paul McCartney probably never thought he would be a rock star at 70. Then again, it is never too late as we are aging, but not growing old.
www.SN50andBetter.com 847-931-0234

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 and Better
You Can’t Live a Positive Life with a Negative Mind
Family and Professional Caregiving
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-06-23.mp3
We have 65 million caregivers in the United States, which is approximately 29% of the population and this number continues to grow. When someone becomes a caregiver it can quickly become overwhelming as their life downward spirals. Many caregivers are exhausted, worn down and pushed to the brink. You are either a caregiver, have been one, know of one or will be one. It will cross your path directly or indirectly at some point in your life. When it does, know that self care is as important as being a caregiver. We are finally realizing that care, support and education needs to be on both sides for caregiving to work. Realize that you are not alone, and when the time comes hiring a professional caregiver may be your answer.

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
To the World You Might Be One Person, But to One Person You Might Be the World
How to Stay Young for the First 100 Years
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-06-16.mp3
The most common cause of functional disability is spinal disorders. With over 60,000 chiropractors in the United States and Canada, Dr. Redinger & Dr. Bertke are two out of 330 chiropractors who are trained and practicing structural chiropractic. They offer a unique approach to patient care with their Structural Rebuilding Program. It is highly effective with long term permanent changes to improve your posture, health and quality of life. Having a healthy spine and nervous system will do more to facilitate good health than any other factor. Illinois Spinal Care of Elmhurst is offering a consultation with x-rays for a $25.00 donation to the Open Heart Magic charity, from our show. You do not have to live with chronic pain as Host, Sue Zawacki found out. Contact Illinois Spinal Care of Elmhurst, you will be glad that you did!
www.IllinoisSpinalCare.com 630-617-9790

“Sue Says” sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
The Greatest Gift You Can Give Others is the Best You
Reverse Mortgages in My Senior Neighborhood
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-06-09.mp3
Reverse Mortgages have been around for close to three decades, yet people are still skeptical of them, not fully understanding how they work. If you are 62 years or older a Reverse Mortgage can greatly impact your life by allowing you to use the equity in your home to assist you financially. Larry Hanover, President and Stewart Strizak, Mortgage Consultant with My Senior Neighborhood, are both experts that you should not hesitate to contact for a Reverse Mortgage. Larry Hanover is taking it all a step further with “My Senior Neighborhood”. His neighborhood helps seniors and boomers help themselves with highly credible resources and more. While providing Reverse Mortgages Larry has found that many other resources can be needed. Soon “My Senior Neighborhood” will provide these resources so that you can find what you need.
www.MySeniorNeighborhood.com 847-466-1800

“Sue Says” Sponsored By Senior News 50 & Better
Believe in the Power of Possibility
Hoarding & Stuff Busting
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-06-02.mp3
When you de-clutter and organize a room, closet, garage, or a whole house you automatically get a sense of peace and comfort when you enter this space. For many of us we get a home and fill it with stuff. We then get a bigger home to accommodate our stuff and may even a bigger home as we continue to accumulate. The day comes when downsizing or organizing is needed and or hoarding is involved. A situation such as this can be overwhelming, unhealthy and unsafe. Hear from my guests, Marina Collazo, President of Restoration Coalition and Patty Wolf, Certified Organizer & Owner of Stuff Busters as they discuss their professional experience in these situations. Both Marina & Patty bring their compassion to each client knowing there is also an emotional side to letting go of stuff.

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
No One Can Drive Us Crazy Unless We Give Them the Keys
Honor Flight Chicago ~ Made in America Tour
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-05-26.mp3
We have approximately 23 million veterans in our country with 9 million who are over 65 years old that enlisted or were drafted at a time of need. They were called forth to serve and protect our personal freedoms. After their tour of duty many veterans are not honorably being taken care of in ways they should be. We as Americans need to support our military veterans. Honor Flight Chicago Made in America Tour on Sunday June 3rd at the Paramount Theatre in Aurora, IL is a way to give back and enjoy a truly moving event. All Proceeds from the tour will take 200 WWII Veterans to DC for their well deserved day of honor. My show guests, Herschel Luckinbill, Red Dixon, Bill Remiyas, Mark Andol and Ricky Lee all have one common vision and that is to support our military veterans. Hopefully you will too!

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Every Passing Moment is a Chance to Turn it Around
Multi-Generational IRAs & LTC
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-05-19.mp3
When a young person receives an inheritance in a lump sum it can magically disappear in a very short period of time. Find out about Multi-Generational IRA’s from John O’Connor, President of O’Connor & Associates. This type of IRA is just a little over a decade old and most people are unaware they exist. A Multi-Generational IRA can greatly impact future generations. Harold Lustig grabs your attention with his book, “Naked in the Nursing Home”. If you are just starting the Nursing Home part of your journey or an aging loved one is, this book is for you. When you land in a nursing home you are stripped of privacy, privilege and power. Learn what you need to know as well as nursing home definitions so you can fully understand what options you have and more.
Naked in the Nursing Home – www.Amazon.com

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better,
It is Easier to Get Older Than it is to Get Wiser
Retirement Today
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-05-12.mp3
Retiring today has completely transformed compared to prior decades. My 1st guest, author of Retire To Not From, Phil Saylor says we may or may not be prepared financially to retire, but chances are we are not prepared psychologically. Retirees at every age are reinventing their lives and doing what they have always wanted to do or something they never imagined. My 2nd guest, Dr. Richard London says that by utilizing the 7 facets of intention in his Doctorate of Life Wellnessaire Program, we can live a life daily filled with wellness, wealth, peace, love and spirituality. With life expectancy on the rise we are realizing our personal responsibility to live healthy. Dr. London says your past is in stone and future is in paper and you can create the life you deserve by being a wellnessaire.
www.RetireToNotFrom.com & www.wellnessaire.com

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
We Don’t See Things as They Are, We See Things as We Are
Generation Renovation
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-05-05.mp3
Will Knight was caring for his grandfather after he had a fall. He could not find a company to provide construction needs so that his grandfather could stay living safely in his home. After an ah-ha moment, Will Knight, Founder and Tim Schneiderwind, Co-Founder started Generation Renovation. By using the principals of “Universal Design”, they evaluate your home and help you with decisions to construct an open, convenient, accessible and attractive age in place living environment. Their experience, trust and dedication are apparent as they work with you every step of the way. Even the smallest changes can make a BIG difference! Keep your aging loved one safe and be proactive. Call Will or Tim at Generation Renovation, 224-795-8310 for a free consultation.

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Life is Like an Echo, Whatever You Send Out Comes Back
Being an Every Day Hero & Living Stories
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-04-28.mp3
So many times in life a moment passes by where we know that we could have spoken up or taken action and stopped something. Most people rarely if ever do this when it is needed the most. Hear from Mike Dilbeck, Founder, President & Speaker of Response Ability Project about “By Stander Behavior”. Mike discusses why so many of us choose to look the other way instead of intervening and becoming an Every Day Hero. My 2nd guest, Jan Quinn knows that everyone has extraordinary in their life story at sometime. Jan’s company, Living Stories provides expertise to make the process of writing your life story enjoyable. What could be a better than to leave your legacy in print for others to know the details about your life. Tune in to our podcast, Mike and Jan are awesome guests!
www.RAProject.org & www.LivingStories.us

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Don’t Let Your Past Steal Your Future
Solar Solutions & Home Inspections
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-04-21.mp3
Going green and renewable natural energy are hot topics of discussion today as we realize our fossil fuels are changing our climates and harming our environment in a number of ways. Now is the time to find out how simple it is to switch to an alternative means of generating energy. Norm Johnson, founder of Independence Renewable Energy and “The Solar Solutions Specialist” teaches us the many benefits of generating our own energy. We have so much available in natural energy in our country and Norm is moving it forward being one of the few specialists. Tom Corbett provides energy tips for the summer along with the pitfalls of home inspections. If you are considering purchasing a new home hear what Tom has to say. His Home Inspection insights may save you a tremendous amount of time and aggravation down the road, especially if you are considering a condominium.
www.IndependenceRenewableEnergy.com & www.Tomacor.com

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Seniors News 50 & Better
Never Doubt the Power of Imagination
Seasonal Allergies & Wellness
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-04-14.mp3
It is that dreadful time of the year for over 50 million people who suffer from allergies. Kelly Hickel, CEO of TheraBiogen offers a homeopathic relief for allergies, colds & flu called Theramax Relief. Within 30 minutes of taking this homeopathic product you can have relief and with no side effects. Marc Lerner, my 2nd guest, has lived with MS for 30 years. His book “A Healthy Way to Be Sick” teaches that when our inner and outer resources work together, a powerful partnership emerges. It is common to look outside for the solutions to problems when you are sick; but when you look within first and develop important life skills, you can better use external resources. Marc’s Life Skills Institute teaches how to Discover Your True Healing Potential.
www.TheramaxRelief.com & www.LifeSkillsInc.com

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Seniors News 50 & Better
Attitude is a Little Thing That Makes a Big Difference
Honor Flight Chicago Made in America Tour
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-04-07.mp3
American Veterans are one of our greatest treasures. As a grateful country it is our job to honor and thank our veterans for their service and sacrifice. Honor Flight Chicago fly WWII Veterans to Washington, DC. To date they have flown over 3,000 WWII Veterans for their day of honor with all expenses paid. Honor Flight Chicago Made in America Tour is being held on Sunday June 3, 2012 at the Paramount Theatre in Aurora, IL. The tour will be featuring Nashville Recording Artist, Ricky Lee and our patriotic Sweethearts, The Legacy Girls. All proceeds from this event fund Honor Flight Chicago with the vision of sending 200+ WWII Veterans to DC for their day of honor. Tour tickets can be purchased at the Paramount Theater, 630-896-6666 or on the websites below:
www.HonorFlightChicago.com & www.RickyLeeMusic.com

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Sometimes You Got to Look Back at Your Past and Smile at How Far You Have Gotten!
Generation Renovation
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-03-31.mp3
Will Knight was caring for his grandfather after he had a fall. He could not find a company to provide construction needs so that his grandfather could stay living safely in his home. After an ah-ha moment, Will Knight, Founder and Tim Schneiderwind, Co-Founder started Generation Renovation. By using the principals of “Universal Design”, they evaluate your home and help you with decisions to construct an open, convenient, accessible and attractive age in place living environment. Their experience, trust and dedication are apparent as they work with you every step of the way. Even the smallest changes can make a BIG difference! Keep your aging loved one safe and be proactive. Call Will or Tim at Generation Renovation, 224-795-8310 for a free consultation.

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Life is Like an Echo, Whatever You Send Out Comes Back
Sleep Disorders
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-03-24.mp3
Over 70 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders and of those, 60% are chronic. We have over 80 different types of sleep disorders. Dr. Andrew Mouton, PH.D, Clinical Psychologist & Certified in Behavioral Sleep from the Center for Sleep Medicine works with his patients to overcome their disorders. Learn how sleep patterns can change as we age and the behavior patterns that may cause them. Dr. Scott Fogle, Director of Clinical Information and Laboratory Services with Life Extension discusses his views on sleep disorders and possible alternatives to naturally give you the amount of sleep you need to support your health. Studies are linking sleeping pills to a 4.6 times higher risk of death and a significant increase in cancer cases in this $2.0 billion drug industry.
www.SleepMedCenter.com & www.LifeExtension.com

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Seniors News 50 & Better
The Key to Failure is Trying to Please Everyone
Real Estate Realities
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-03-17.mp3
Our country has taken a hard hit with the financial turmoil in our real estate industry. Sadly to say, in good times and in bad, real estate remains an ideal place for scammers and now is not the time to let your guard down. Stuart Vener, National Real Estate & Mortgage Specialist provides us his expertise on foreclosures, short sales, new home purchases and mortgages. He also gives his view on the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and why it will not work. Roz Byrne, S.R.E.S. assists seniors to sell their homes “as is”. Roz knows what it takes to move a senior citizen forward. She is a stellar seller and will make sure that she gets your home sold or finds you a new place to call home!
www.RealtyCrisis.com & www.REMAX.com

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
If You Can’t Explain it Simply, You Don’t Understand it Well Enough
Brain Power
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-03-10.mp3
Common sense tells us to eat right and exercise so that so we are heart healthy and physically fit. Now you can do the same specifically for your brain. Mike Rohan, President of All Trust Home Care is a Certified Brain Fitness Trainer. His Brain Fitness program will have you thinking faster, focusing better and remembering more in a very short period of time. Learn from Deanine McGill, Marketing Manager with All Trust Home Care about the vital nutrients needed for optimum brain power. Learn about the foods to avoid and the best ones for your brain health. Many people associate aging with brain decline, but this is not true. Creativity turns out to be the area of the brain that gets better with age. Expand your wellness completely, exercise and nourish your brain!

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Find the Place Inside Yourself, Where Nothing is Impossible!
Finding a Retirement Community & Moving
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-03-03.mp3
Moving at any age can be a daunting task and especially if you are an elder adult. Imagine living in your home for years and then starting to search for senior housing. This is where Gail Niksic, Senior Care Consultant at Elderwerks provides her complimentary services. Gail assists families to find all types of senior housing. Once a new place to call home is found Paxem keeps the process moving forward. Jennifer Prell, President of Paxem and her highly effective team works to “rightsize” a home. They sort, donate, sell, move and set up a new living space and all in just one day! By utilizing Gail’s expertise to find senior housing and Jennifer’s rightsizing/moving services it allows an elder and their family to enjoy the process instead of feeling overwhelmed by it.
www.Elderwerks.com & www.Paxem.com

“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Something That Can’t Go On Forever, Won’t
Financial Exploitation & Forensic Accounting
Elderly Financial Exploitation Abuse has reached EPIDEMIC proportions in our country! Elder Law Attorney Janna Dutton says that 58% of all elderly abuse cases reported are financial exploitation. The additional 42% is emotional abuse. Undue Influence from those who feel they are the “ENTITLED” ones continues to accelerate our epidemic. They feel their inheritance is due now and long before an elderly passes. Pam Kerr, Forensic CPA works with protective services and families to investigate what is happening or what has happen. Learn from Pam the signs of abuse and what you can do to stop it. Elderly Financial Exploitation Abuse is unlawful and it is the Invisible Crime. Intervene when you know it is the right thing to do!
www.DuttonElderLaw.com & www.KerrForensicAccounting.com

Podcast Download: AIR-2012-02-25.mp3
“Sue Says” Sponsored by Seniors News 50 & Better
Accept What You Can’t Change, Change What You Can’t Accept
TherFit the Perfect Fit
Technology is not slowing down and the world wide web continues to expand at an accelerated rate with consumer shopping sites. Learn from Doug Gregory, CEO & Co-Founder of TherFit eStores how you can directly provide to your patients and customers the products they need to improve their health. Chad Koster, Regional V.P. assures you that if you are a health care provider, senior care facility, home care company, fitness professional or athletic trainer it is business smart to have your own TherFit eStore. Your eStore allows you to purchase directly from suppliers of medical grade products. You provide what your patients or customers need while generating revenue for your business. TherFit eStores are changing the way Healthcare & Wellness professionals do business.

Podcast Download: AIR-2012-02-18.mp3
“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Instead of Thinking Outside the Box, Get Rid of the Box!
Retirement Living with Healthy Aging Technology
As we progress into the 21st century technology is bringing so much to healthy aging, especially to the residents at LaGrange Pointe Retirement Community as Linda Kunicki, Senior Residency Consultant points out. Imagine sitting in a chair and through biometrics having an immediate health check of your vitals, heart & lung sounds, blood oxygen levels and more while talking to a nurse on a television screen. The Health e-Chair provides all of this right in your environment. There are times when you may feel like you should go to an emergency room knowing that you are not feeling well and then you second guess yourself. Jim Petrohilos, Sales Manager for Cardiomedix says the Health e-Chair with direct access to a nurse will keep you healthy and direct you with up to date health information which in return could save your life. Find out how CardioMedix’s Health E-Chair is shaping Telemedicine for life!
www.LaGrangePointe.com & www.CardioMedix.com

Podcast Download: AIR-2012-02-11.mp3
“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Opportunities Are Never Lost, Someone Will Take the One You Miss
Home Security & Scams
Fraud, scams, theft and home burglaries continue to be on the rise with our economic situation. We are in the perfect financial storm for these crimes to happen and now is not the time to let your guard down. Find out from Alan Young why a home security system may not be your best defense to avoid home burglaries. Cherie Aschenbrenner, Crime Prevention Specialist & Elderly Service Officer in Elgin speaks about the scams of 2012 and how not to become a victim or virtual victim of scams. Be aware, be proactive and call your local Police Department if you feel a scam attempt or after the fact if you have been scammed. Prevent it from happening to you again or others by calling and reporting it. Be aware, be proactive and when in doubt do without!
www.ArmorConcepts.com & Aschenbrenner_C@CityofElgin.com

Podcast Download: AIR-2012-02-04.mp3
“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
True Words Are Not Always Pretty & Pretty Words Are Not Always True
50 & Better
By mid century in our lives we have lived long enough to know what we want, don’t want, need, don’t need and what works best for us. This may or may not be true after knowing yourself 50+ years. My guests, Barbara Hannah Grufferman, author of “The Best of Everything After 50” and “Aging as a Spiritual Practice” by NY Times bestselling author, Richmond Lewis come full circle in their own views about aging. The common denominator with both of them is that aging and change are going to happen to all of us. What is most important is that we embrace this as the truth which in return frees us to enjoy being the age we are while growing older, wiser and more peaceful.
www.BestofEverythingAfter50.com & www.LewisRichmond.com

Podcast Download: AIR-2012-01-28.mp3
“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
You Can’t Start the Next Chapter of Your Life By Re-Reading the Last One
Forgiveness in 2012
We have been told our feelings come and go, but do they really? When we are not given the opportunity or are afraid to express our feelings we stuff them. Harboring negative feelings such as anger and resentment can be detrimental to our immune systems which can in turn make healing or staying healthy much more difficult. When it comes to cancer we need every army of defense we have. Feelings of I don’t matter also come in to play with our health. Learn from Dr. Michael Barry and Kathryn Tull about the power of forgiveness. The problem behind most all problems is feeling that we do not matter. By practicing forgiveness, expressing our emotions and knowing that we do matter can and does affect our health in more ways than one.
www.CancerCenter.com & www.NextBoldStep.com

Podcast Download: AIR-2012-01-21.mp3
“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Never Ruin an Apology with an Excuse!
Annuities for Dummies
Are you afraid of outliving your retirement? Well you are not alone! Listen to Ron Grensteiner, President of American Equity Investment Life Insurance Company to find out more. American Equity is a secure company with around 30 billion in assets. John O’Connor, President of O’Connor & Associates is my second guest. He represents American Equity and will discuss how to not to outlive your retirement with indexed annuities. You will not risk the loss of your investment or your premiums when the S&P 500 is negative. Your account will be supported by a minimum guarantee while you are preserving your premium and watching your investment grow to support your retirement. O’Connor & Associates offers complimentary workshops monthly.
www.OconnorandAssociates.biz, 847-274-2681

Podcast Download: AIR-2012-01-14.mp3
“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Sometimes the Winds of Change Can Help You Find Direction
When to Hire a Caregiver
When we are young most of us are taken care by our parents. When the time comes and the roles reverse many of us feel that it is our responsibility to take care of our aging parents or relatives. Care giving tasks in the beginning may make us feel that we are the heroic sibling. As time goes by and the demands become greater we start to harbour feelings of anger and resentment. Stress, anxiety and guilt come into play and chances are at some point you will become overwhelmed. When you keep your role as son, daughter, niece etc. not care giver it can open up the possibility of joy during the time you spend with your aging loved one. Find out from Jeanette why hiring a professional care giver is the right thing to do!

Podcast Download: AIR-2012-01-07.mp3
“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Do Not Be Telling Others Yes When You Are Telling Yourself No!