May 12, 2012

Retirement Today
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-05-12.mp3

Retiring today has completely transformed compared to prior decades. My 1st guest, author of Retire To Not From, Phil Saylor says we may or may not be prepared financially to retire, but chances are  we are not prepared psychologically. Retirees at every age are reinventing their lives and doing what they have always wanted to do or something they never imagined. My 2nd guest, Dr. Richard London says that by utilizing the 7 facets of intention in his Doctorate of Life Wellnessaire Program, we can live a life daily filled with wellness, wealth, peace, love and spirituality. With life expectancy on the rise we are realizing our personal responsibility to live healthy. Dr. London says your past is in stone and future is in paper and you can create the life you deserve by being a wellnessaire. &

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