July 28, 2012

Love Makes the World Go Round
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-07-28.mp3

Yes, love does make the world go round! We find it, we may lose it, and we get it back and may lose it again. Finding it may not be easy as we become more guarded with each search. Frank Polancic, the Soul Mate Guy takes the search out of soul mate searching and replaces it with the deliberate use of the Law of Attraction. With your intention and Frank’s guidance, love may be closer than you think. Carla Wills Brandon talks about her book, Beyond the Chase and what a healthy intimate relationship looks like along with fair fighting and more. Do not give up, it is never too late for love. Once you find your soul Mate you can work on having a healthy relationship for life. It is all within your reach and at every age.


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