October 6, 2012

Dental Health for People & Pooches
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-10-06.mp3

Kathy Vom Brack and Fran Tourdot, founders of Joy of a Healthy Mouth Geriatrics are educators and hygienist who know firsthand how poor dental hygiene greatly affects our health and in a number of ways. Procrastinating dental visits many times is due to fear. Well, Dr. Monica, to lessen the fear, brings her dental services into homes. Her services help to make sure our elderly, disabled and others are receiving proper dental care which is not only important for humans, it is just as important for our pets. Dr. Stephen Juriga who serves on the Medical Advisory Board at Shedd Aquarium and Brookfield Zoo says that dental hygiene for our pets can add up to two or more years to their life and best of all, no doggy breath from Fido!

Joy of a Healthy Mouth Geriatrics  708-704-7621

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