50 & Better
By mid century in our lives we have lived long enough to know what we want, don’t want, need, don’t need and what works best for us. This may or may not be true after knowing yourself 50+ years. My guests, Barbara Hannah Grufferman, author of “The Best of Everything After 50” and “Aging as a Spiritual Practice” by NY Times bestselling author, Richmond Lewis come full circle in their own views about aging. The common denominator with both of them is that aging and change are going to happen to all of us. What is most important is that we embrace this as the truth which in return frees us to enjoy being the age we are while growing older, wiser and more peaceful.
www.BestofEverythingAfter50.com & www.LewisRichmond.com
Podcast Download: AIR-2012-01-28.mp3
“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
You Can’t Start the Next Chapter of Your Life By Re-Reading the Last One