June 2, 2013

Disaster Protection & Self-Defense For Women
Click Here for Podcast: AIR-2013-06-02.mp3

The Boston Marathon, the kidnappings in Cleveland and the horrific tornadoes in Oklahoma have shown all of us how fast life can change. Learning how to protect yourself when a disaster strikes is a valuable investment. Rob Pincus, Personal Defense Expert talks about three immediate responses that you should be fully aware of in any disaster. Rob sees self defense as a personal responsibility and believes it should be taught to every child. Cathy Steinberg, National Personal Safety Expert & Author of “The Fabulous Girl’s Guide to Being Fearless” say’s that yelling “Help” no longer works. Cathy teaches how to identify a potential attacker and the best evasive measures to take if you are attacked. The FBI reports that crime continues to grow with over 5 million victims annually and self defense education is growing as well. We are realizing that personal safety is an individual responsibility and we must take initiative to protect ourselves and our loved ones.


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