Love, Relationships & Marriage
Click Here for Podcast: AIR-2013-02-09.mp3
Is it love or infatuation and how do you know the difference? Pat Perkins, Leadership Expert offers her advice about infatuation versus real love, along with healthy relationship indicators and more. Breaking up is hard to do, so we have all heard. Pat says, it is possible to end a relationship in a healthy way and remain friends in each other’s life. What went on and how it ends can make the difference. Psychotherapist, Joyce Marter knows all too well about the ups and downs of marriage. She uses a “W” as an example. You start at the top and go through a myriad of ups and downs. Some low points may seem like the most difficult of all times, and the “W” still has high points to come. No matter where you are at in a relationship, learning to love yourself allows you to give your love away and this is the healthiest and best place to start!
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