Nursing Home Rights
Show Podcast Click Here: AIR-2013-02-02.mp3
Nursing Home Rights are Human Rights! Cat Battista, Agento Law attorney says, nursing home residents deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. When they are not, this is where Cat comes in to hold the nursing home accountable. Wendy Meltzer, Executive Director with Illinois Citizens for Better Care has been advocating nursing home rights with our legislatures since 1987. Wendy educates residents and their families about various rights issues. She has written ICBC’s book Smart Care, a practical guide for relatives and friends of nursing home residents who want the best care. Know that you may be on the mark should you have a gut feeling that something is not right with your loved one who is in a nursing home. With Cat & Wendy, you have two powerful women on your side who will do their due diligence should your gut feeling be right!
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