The Sandwich Generation
Click Here for Podcast: AIR-2015-08-02.mp3
As people are living much longer than ever expected, we have five and six generation families which are changing everything. Today’s caregivers are being called, the “Sandwich Generation.” As the family dynamics forever change, care is needed for aging loved ones, children who are still at home and adult children who may be boomer ranging back to the nest. This would create havoc, in any household. Expert guest, Dr. Cheryl Woodson says it is important to set boundaries and hopefully early on, as family dynamics change. In a perfect world this would be possible, but, the demands many times take precedence. Expert guest, Cindy Laverty sees caregiving from another perspective. Cindy says that everyone matters and we must have a life that lights us up. Being selfish is not bad as it keeps all of us responsible for what is happening to us and in our lives. If we take ownership for our role as caregiver and take care of ourselves, we can then choose to live our life and light it up!
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