March 6, 2016

Click Here for Podcast: AIR-2016-03-06.mp3

The term “nursing home” has become archaic, and is rarely used by industry professionals. Senior housing-living, including rehabilitation, has many different levels of living and care. Although some communities are better than others, sadly, some are being called God’s waiting rooms or human warehousing. Nader Kameli, Founder & CEO of Bright Oaks Group visited 197 assisted living communities to see what was missing. With his brilliant creativity, Nader is creating communities where everyone matters and they get to experience life to its fullest. Renata Cichowicz tells us how Bright Oaks Group is different and why life happens there with so much joy, fun and love! Denise True discusses Bright Oaks Group Assisted Independence Living. Denise works with families to make sure they fully understand why growing old is optional at Bright Oaks Group, as they put the living into senior living!

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Nader Kameli Founder & CEO

Nader Kameli
Founder & CEO

Renata Cichowicz V.P of Sales & Marketing

Renata Cichowicz
V.P of Sales & Marketing

Denise True Family Advocate

Denise True
Family Advocate

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