Heart Rx & Resiliency
Click Here for Podcast: AIR-2015-09-06.mp3
More than 25 million Americans currently have heart disease and an additional 120 million living with risk factors for developing it. One in every two Americans will suffer a cardiovascular event that will end in heart attack, stroke or death. It is a fact that stress and other negative emotions contribute to at least 25 percent of all heart attacks. Expert guest Dr. Michael Miller is the author of “Heal Your Heart”. As Michael writes about, positive emotions can prevent and reverse heart disease and reduce your risks. Elder Care expert, Joy Loverde says there is a science to aging successfully. We must have a willingness to accept and adapt to inevitable life changes and with resiliency. Add in an attitude of gratitude and you have tools that have you aging, but not growing old!
“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
It’s Not What You Gather, It’s What You Scatter