May 31, 2015

Living Trust verses Land Trust
Click Here for Podcast: AIR-2015-05-31.mp3

We all hear the terms living trust, land trusts, power of attorney property, power of attorney healthcare, last will and testament, living will and with all of these legal forms, comes confusion. Statistics show that only one out of every three people who are over the age of fifty, have their legal documents in place. Confusion, cost and not knowing where to begin are some of the biggest reasons why they are not in place. Guests, David Lanciotti and Nancie Dorjath, give us clarity into some of the terms and which documents are needed. As always, knowledge is keyand more importantly, so is, learning what is right for you and your needs. Take baby steps as you learn along the way or better said, one document and moment at a time!


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Nancie Dorjath,  Elder Law Attorney  & Estate Planner Dorjath Law Center

Nancie Dorjath,
Elder Law Attorney
& Estate Planner
Dorjath Law Center

David Lanciotti,  Executive Vice President  & General Counsel Chicago Title Land Trust Company

David Lanciotti,
Executive Vice President
& General Counsel
Chicago Title Land Trust Company

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