Your Safe Money Man
Click Here for Podcast: AIR-2015-05-17.mp3
The question on the forefront with much concern today, for baby boomers and senior citizens is, will I out live my retirement? Another factor also comes in to play, as one of the biggest mistakes made. That is failing to understand your Social Security Income benefit and when to start receiving it. This is where “The Safe Money Man”, John O’Connor and Account Analyst, Christopher O’Connor comes in. John and Christopher help people create a plan to maximize their Social Security Income benefits. You also want to make sure you are preserving your retirement accountant with minimal, if any risk. John O’Connor can help you keep what you have so that you live with peace of mind, knowing that you will never lose any of your investment and know that, when you start receiving Social Security Income, it is the best time for you!
“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
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