Attitude & New Beginnings
Click Here for Podcast: AIR-2014-04-20.mp3
Attitude can make or break a marriage, family, friendship, a business, the best of times and so much more. If you have a choice, in every moment, bring the best you, to the party. Guest Roslyn Franken, had a big hurdle to overcome after being diagnosed with cancer at 29. She knew it was up to her as to how she would go through treatment. This is when she became inspired to write, her book, The A List with 9 Guiding Principles. Roslyn knows that we can lighten, and up for good using her principles. Guest, Stephen Erickson follows his “P” theory along with teaching the greatest human need, to be heard. Keep a positive attitude, learn to listen and your glass will be more than half full, as your life hurdles become easier to overcome.
“Sue Says” Sponsored by PAWS Chicago
Make a Choice, Take a Chance and Change Your Life