April 6, 2014

Chronic Disease & Emotional Health
Click Here for Podcast: AIR-2014-04-06.mp3

Hope is on the Horizon, as Patricia Stephens, author of Reversing Chronic Disease: A Journey Back to Health says. Patricia shares her disabling story in her book and now works as a Certified Nutritional Consultant. She believes that masking symptoms with medication is costly, when hormonal and chemical imbalances are the root causes of many chronic diseases. Chronic disease or pain can wreak havoc on our emotional health. This is where, Emotional Health Trainer, Jenny Ellis, Ph.D. comes in. Jenny turned her life challenges into learning opportunities to help others with their emotional health. Never give up on your emotional or physical well being. Doctors are no longer being looked to, for all the answers. We must become our own health care advocates, combining eastern and western medicine  for our mind, body and spirit with the possibility, of optimum health.


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