An Awesome Life
Click Here for Podcast: AIR-2016-04-24.mp3
Living an awesome life today seems more difficult than in the past. It may be, as adults, we tend to form the nasty habit of having to be self-sufficient, which can close our hearts. Educator and national speaker, Rich Wessenberg has been helping others build believing hearts for 26 years. He writes about it in his book, “Treasures of the Believing Heart”. Add in humor and it can take you thru life’s ups and downs, as award winning keynote speaker and Jollytologist, Allen Klein, knows well. In Allen’s most recent book, “You Can’t Ruin My Day” with 52 wake-up calls that give you more joy and less stress. Best of all, a believing heart and sense of humor can turn any situation around, allowing you to live an awesome life, every day, no matter what!
Rich Wessenberg – Email:
Link to: Treasures of the Believing Heart
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If You Love Life, It Will Love You Back