Celebration of Life
Click Here for Podcast: AIR-2016-03-27.mp3
In today’s society we live with much more anxiety and stress than in prior decades. Finding a way to de-stress is so important for overall health and wellbeing. The Art of Living Foundation works in partnership with the International Association for Human Value to create violence free and stress free society. Both organizations together have touched 370 million lives in 155 countries, during their 35 years of service. Expert guest and Executive Director of IAHV, Filiz Odabas-Geldiay discusses their three prong approach to wellbeing and peace. It consists of breathing, mediation and silence practices. All of these help with anxiety, stress, wellbeing and more. Expert guest, Susan White teaches the Art of Living – Happiness Program. In this program you gain a greater vision of who you that allows you to lead a deeply fulfilling and more peaceful life with happiness along the way. What could be better than that!
“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Kindness in Giving Creates Love