January 10, 2016

Contagious Emotions & Heart
Click Here for Podcast: AIR-2016-01-10.mp3

Emotional health and wellbeing is important for you and for those who are close to you. Expert guest, Dr. Ron Podell says our emotions spread from person to person, especially within families and marriages. Positive emotions can inspire and lift us up and negative emotions may do the opposite. Many times we are unconsciously aware that we are mimicking and matching the moods of others. Dr. Toni Luisa Rivera, guest and author of, “A Propelled Heart”, teaches that our emotions play a vital role in healing or causing illness. Awareness and listening to our body’s messages can cause healing on a much deeper level. Dr. Toni listened to her body’s physical pain that allowed her to unlock wounds of the past. This is possible for everyone; it can be done and will impact the quality of your life, forever!


“Sue Says” Sponsored by Senior News 50 & Better
Happiness is not Something that Just Comes to You, it is an Active Process

Dr. Ron Podell

Dr. Ron Podell

Dr. Toni Luisa Rivera

Dr. Toni Luisa Rivera


Dr. Rivera’s Book

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