Vitamin B12 & RxBar
Click Here for Podcast: AIR-2015-06-07.mp3
Thomas Edison once said, the doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. This may have been said many decades ago, by Thomas Edison, but it is right on the forefront today. We are learning that we must super charge with the best vitamins and nutrients possible. Guest, Sally Pacholok is the B12 misdiagnosis whistleblower and an ER nurse. Sally sees the same problems repeatedly from B12 deficiencies. Guest, Peter Rahal could not buy a protein bar that was 100% healthy so he created RxBar, as prescribed by nature. As we continue to be our own health advocates, wise nutritional choices will be one of the healthiest things, we naturally do, every day!
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