Emotional Liposuction
Click Here for Podcast: AIR-2014-04-13.mp3
As we get older, our emotional baggage weighs us down, which can lead us to try and suppress stuffed feelings by self-medicating, drinking or with happy endorphins, but they are temporary fixes. Chi Kung Master, Gary Clyman offers a onetime Emotional Liposuction treatment to rid the big emotions: abandonment, anger, rage and bitterness. Sounds a little hocus pocus, well, it is not. Master Clyman has treated over 10,000 patients from all over the world and knows that his Emotional Liposuction is the Cutting Edge in healing. He stimulates specifics and sucks out the issues that interfere with our happiness, relationships and even productivity. Violent change is a good thing because gradual change is so sleepy. One painful visit, for as little as 5 minutes or up to 45 and your negative emotions are gone for good. After treatment, Clyman’s clients notice a difference immediately and many are relieved from aches and pains they have had for years. I guess you could say, no pain no gain and Emotional Liposuction is more than worth, the gain!
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