Homes for Seniors
Podcast download: AIR-2012-07-21.mp3
When the time comes that you no longer can or want to live alone Senior Home Sharing may be your answer. You may have had a time or the time of your life by sharing a living space with roommates. Now seniors can do the same thing while becoming social and active. Angela Bentsen, Executive Director of Senior Home Sharing talks about the unique concept of their homes and how seniors live together in a house with the SPAN Model. If this is not your cup of tea, Gail Niksic, Senior Care Consultant with Elderwerks can assist you in finding the perfect fit for you community. Do not isolate yourself by living alone as you age. There are a plethora of possibilities in all types of senior housing. The socialization and activities of not living alone can extend your life as you live more joyfully sharing it with others!
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