January 7, 2012

When to Hire a Caregiver

When we are young most of us are taken care by our parents. When the time comes and the roles reverse many of us feel that it is our responsibility to take care of our aging parents or relatives. Care giving tasks in the beginning may make us feel that we are the heroic sibling.  As time goes by and the demands become greater we start to harbour feelings of anger and resentment. Stress, anxiety and guilt come into play and chances are at some point you will become overwhelmed.  When you keep your role as son, daughter, niece etc. not care giver it can open up the possibility of joy during the time you spend with your aging loved one. Find out from Jeanette why hiring a professional care giver is the right thing to do!


Podcast Download: AIR-2012-01-07.mp3

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Do Not Be Telling Others Yes When You Are Telling Yourself No!

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